Saturday, April 4, 2009

Old School Specs

Why all of a sudden, I miss SS darned much???
Hearing a very good news about SS from my lil sis in last few days made me sooooo proud to be one of the sulaimanians....! :) from a premier school to a cluster school. and many straight A's national level students n Msia athletes are the products of the school. that's a great achievement! there's no doubt that the sulaimanians can be found anywhere all over the globe even in Oxford, Cambridge and many other prestigious alma meters, tho' most sulaimanians are being successful people nowadays . And now I'm so desperate to attend The Sulaimanians Alumni Reunion =) Hopefully could be there with old gorgeous buds and super duper sporting teachers! I love 'em so badly that I couldnt forget 'em even if it's been 5 years back. Most important is, seeing again my old choir and gamelan teams. It was so magical how could I be one of those music students whereas I was never keen on music since I was young. But yeah, learning to play musical instruments n being a soprano singer was the best moment ever in my life. And I even got a Grade 5 piano pussycat girl to be my good friend. It all began when I opted to follow the music stream in Form 1. It was simply based on the thought to experience sth new. There you go! Step by step, and it's almost to reach of the star.
After all, the Sulaimanians are always one big family and we always love our school (this's a reality)! Usaha, Tekun, Tentu Jaya... Tradisi kekal abadi!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to know Sulaimanians all over are proud of their SS.
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