Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cinta Hakiki (True Love)

Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh cinta, cintakanlah aku pada
seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya pada-Mu, agar
bertambah kekuatan ku untuk mencintai-Mu.

Ya Muhaimin, jika aku jatuh cinta, jagalah cintaku
padanya agar tidak melebihi cintaku pada-Mu

Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh hati, izinkanlah aku
menyentuh hati seseorang yang hatinya tertaut pada-Mu,
agar tidak terjatuh aku dalam jurang cinta semu.

Ya Rabbana, jika aku jatuh hati, jagalah hatiku
padanya agar tidak berpaling pada hati-Mu.

Ya Rabbul Izzati, jika aku rindu, rindukanlah aku pada
seseorang yang merindui syahid di jalan-Mu.

Ya Allah, jika aku rindu, jagalah rinduku padanya agar
tidak lalai aku merindukan syurga-Mu.

Ya Allah, jika aku menikmati cinta kekasih-Mu,
janganlah kenikmatan itu melebihi kenikmatan indahnya
bermunajat di sepertiga malam terakhirmu.

Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh hati pada kekasih-Mu, jangan
biarkan aku tertatih dan terjatuh dalam perjalanan
panjang menyeru manusia kepada-Mu.

Ya Allah, jika Kau halalkan aku merindui kekasih-Mu,
jangan biarkan aku melampaui batas sehingga melupakan
aku pada cinta hakiki dan rindu abadi hanya kepada-Mu.

Ya Allah Engkau mengetahui bahwa hati-hati ini telah
berhimpun dalam cinta pada-Mu, telah berjumpa pada
taat pada-Mu, telah bersatu dalam dakwah pada-MU,
telah berpadu dalam membela syariat-Mu. Kukuhkanlah ya
Allah ikatannya. Kekalkanlah cintanya. Tunjukilah
jalan-jalannya. Penuhilah hati-hati ini dengan nur-Mu
yang tiada pernah pudar. Lapangkanlah dada-dada kami

dengan limpahan keimanan kepada-Mu dan keindahan
bertawakal di jalan-Mu.Amin. ....

Pandemic - Swine Flu

The world has been rocked with a breaking news about Swine Flu virus. The vector has been spreading over Mexico and the States currently. This brought the whole world in full blast to prevent the outbreak of the flu epidemic. In Christchurch itself, there are four people identified to have been coming back from the States and are suspected to have been infected by the virus since there were a few shcool kids on the same plane with them to Christchurch from LA. New Zealand is one of the countries that is classified to be in danger. Probably, there are quite number of people who came into NZ have just been in the North America in last few weeks when the Swine Flu virus started to spread.

I am still thinking about the probability that the outbreak may be one of the disasters that Allah wants to teach all of the people on this Earth. With the increase of social problems all over the globe, we do not realize that many crises occurred are attributed to our attitudes that take Allah's reminders for granted. If Allah wants to give us a lesson, it's either He shows it directly to ourselves or by giving the troubles to other people and it is our responsibility to learn from what has happened to the people. Nonetheless, we're too much close to Satan instead of Allah, thus, the whisper of Satan penetrates deeper into our cochleas, and when Satan is already in our nerves, we begin to be controlled by him. The Satan is too clever to make fool of us, but we are too fool to be fooled by the best 'jester'.

Right now, the Swine Flu alert has been raised from phase four to phase five out of six. This new update should be taken seriously by everybody especially the medical organizations. The human-to-human method of virus infection can put anyone at stake, for we don't know that probably the person who's sneezing beside us is the virus carrier. Nauzubillah minzaliq... May Allah protect us from such 'disaster'. Amen. Well, the thing I would like to emphasize here is that about the rationality of the order from Allah for not allowing us to eat non-halal foods such as pork. It is not my job to verify each and every order of Allah to all of His creations since all of the orders are non-negotiable and we only have to believe that Allah's orders are by all means, for the best of everyone. However, the non-muslims always need supporting facts for any Islamic fact raked up by the Muslims. If I were asked by them, my answers are very parallel to our logical thinkings and of reflections to our lives.

Before we go in depth upon the Islamic arguments, let's see the source of Swine Flu (H1N1) virus... The scientist said, it was sourced from pigs in Mexico farmlands. This has been verified by the UN health agency experts. As a matter of fact, beforehand, we had been startled by the appearance of H5N1 virus which was also from pigs. People still in their sleeps for not realizing the terrible things caused by pigs or pork that they eat. See Bank of New Zealand money box give away, they use a pig image to be the money box as known as Piggy Bank. They thought the animal is so cute that they can make it to be the money box. What so animal!

Now, let's heed on what Islam says about pigs and pork. Allah outlined the negative effects of eating porks in Quran. It is indeed that porks affect our health. I will not be going into scientific stuff since I'm not into Biology, but as Allah's servant, what we need to do is simply accepting and believing what He told us to do. He said don't eat pork, then we shouldn't eat it. Don't touch wet or damp pigs, then we shouldn't do that. Allah knows what we don't know. No argument is necessary actually when it comes to hukum Allah. The kafiruns are very stubborn to accept Islam even though at times, they have already known that Islam is always for goodness. The WHO can still confirm to all over the world that porks are still safe to be consumed at this while. It's up to them... It's all about themselves. The more kafiruns go to hell, the better it will be. We must believe that there will come the time when Islam rises up again to its heyday (before the last day) and that's the time when the number of kafiruns will be going down to the foot of the bell graph hill.

We must notice that this Swine Flu outbreak is the sequential disaster after the global recession. On surface, we look at the matters as economics and health problems. However, it is not all about worldly thingy. I must say that it's undeniable that all of the disasters on this Earth are created by the human themselves, but, it's due to their lack of knowledge on how to manage the Earth properly as ordered by Allah in the Quran. Human do not manage the Earth (tho' only the land) by referring to the Quran and sunnah, but they use their brains solely. They never thought who created the brain... Time is running out to improve the situation, unless we unite to take an action. Oh God, to relate world issues with Islamic elements can't be finished in one day or in one entry like this. There are infinite things to say and human's knowledge is very limited to know about everything. Ya Rabb, please forgive me, your humble, small servant...

All in all, the consequences of Swine Flu must be taken soberly by all and sundry. Our Malaysia High Commission First Secretary, Puan Siti Jalilah Abd. Manap has urged the medical students in NZ to study and take this opportunity to observe how the NZ government handles this situation. In the meantime, let's pray so that Allah will always protect us and our loved ones from the unwanted troubles. Amen.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tidur itu mati sementara, mati itu tidur selama-lamanya


Malikul maut (Raja Maut) telah mencabut nyawa Arwah Atok Mok semalam (Isnin, April 27) selepas arwah muntah-muntah dan cirit-birit. Maka, terpisahlah roh dari jasadnya dan rohnya disambut oleh malaikat untuk dikapan dan dibawa ke atas langit. Aku mendoakan agar kain kapan yang membaluti roh arwah adalah kain kapan dari syurga. Amen.

Patutlah semalam, waktu aku sedang membuat eksperimen terakhir di Rutherford Building, aku berasa lain semacam apabila handphone aku vibrate dalam poket seluarku. Itu bukan SMS vibrate, tetapi Call vibrate. Tapi aku tak boleh jawab panggilan itu serta merta sebab demonstrator eksperimen tu sedang menerangkan sesuatu kepadaku dan lab partners. Rupa-rupanya Kak Ira miss called aku, mungkin untuk menyampaikan berita kematian arwah. Mak pun ada text memberitahu perkara yang sama. Peliknya, abah langsung tak call or text. Mungkin abah masih bersedih. Akhirnya, hari ini abah call aku untuk memberitahu bahawa atok mok dah meninggal dunia walaupun aku sebenarnya yang bertanya tentang itu dahulu sebelum abah beritahu. Mungkin abah tak sanggup beritahu perkara yang sebenar. Aku dapat dengar suara abah yang sayu, seperti suara orang yang baru lepas menangis.

Namun begitu, semalam, sebaik sahaja aku habis lab session, aku mengalirkan air mata dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah dari universiti. Aku mula menyingkap kenangan-kenangan lalu bersama arwah, terutamanya pada awal tahun ini bila mana arwah tinggal seminggu di rumahku. Alhamdulillah, sekurang-kurangnya ada juga sisa-sisa waktu yang agak lama aku bersamanya. Walaupun aku tidak menolongnya sangat dalam waktu itu, tetapi aku telah cuba sedaya upayaku, lagipun Bibik yang uruskan arwah.

Benarlah kata abah dan emak supaya jumpa atok-atok sebelum pulang ke NZ sebab takut-takut tak dapat berjumpa lagi, lagipun atok-atok semua makin tua dan uzur. Kini baru aku sedar bahawa kadang-kadang patut juga kita mendengar kata hati. Patutlah mak suruh bawa camera waktu jumpa atok-atok, suruh aku ambil gambar dengan mereka. Entah macamana waktu jumpa arwah kat rumah Pak Cik Ihak, camera yang aku bawa tertinggal dalam kereta dan hanya sebaik masuk semula ke dalam kereta aku teringat yang aku tak ambil gambar dengan arwah. Hatiku membisik kepadaku supaya masuk semula ke dalam rumah Pak Cik dan ambil gambar dengan atok. Tapi, ada suara berkata tak pe lah, nanti takut Mak Cik ingat aku nak show off dengan camera baru. So, aku pun membatalkan niat untuk keluar kereta semula. Dalam perjalanan ke rumah atok Nah, hatiku memang tak tenteram. Rasa macam nak suruh abah pergi semula ke rumah Pak Cik untuk ambil gambar dengan atok. Sekali lagi, ada suara berkata tak pe lah, insyaAllah masih boleh jumpa akhir tahun ni. Tapi tidakkkk....... Itulah yang membuatkan aku berasa amat terkilan sebaik sahaja menerima berita pemergian arwah semalam. Akibat kedegilanku mendengar kata hati, aku menerima seribu penyesalan. Ajal maut itu di tangan Allah. Tidak akan dipercepatkan atau ditangguhkan walau sesaat pun.

Tidak perlu ku katakan kepada sesiapa yang aku sentiasa mendoakan kesihatan atok-atok dalam doaku selepas setiap solat. Namun Allah lebih sayangkan atok Mok, maka pergilah dia sebelum kami semua. Aku berdoa kepada Allah, jika benar Dia ingin mencabut nyawa atok Mok sebelum kami semua, berilah kemudahan kepadanya untuk menghembuskan nafas yang terakhir dan berilah kesempatan kepadanya serta sesiapa sahaja untuk memohon maaf antara satu sama lain serta ampunkanlah dosa-dosanya yang lalu. Walaupun aku tidak serapat beberapa orang cousins yang lain dengan arwah, tetapi aku amat menyayanginya dan aku sentiasa berharap kebaikan dikurniakan kepadanya. Aku rindu akan jemput-jemput tepungnya. Aku masih ingat suaranya. Aku masih simpan kenangan bersamanya di kampung dahulu, waktu aku kecil. Aku sering tidur di sebelahnya di kampung. Aku masih ingat tempat tidur kegemarannya.

Emak pernah bercakap denganku akan keadaan atok Mok yang semakin uzur, sering kali masuk keluar hospital. Mak suruh doakan atok. Aku masih ingat yang aku ada cakap dengan mak, macamana kalau aku tak dapat jumpa lagi dengan atok lepas ni... Maknanya hari tu adalah hari terakhir aku jumpa atok lah... Lepas tu, aku text mak suruh Bibik selimutkan atok dengan woolen blanket yang aku belikan untuk atok dari NZ. Quite expensive blanket. Alhamdulillah, at least I had given something special to arwah before she passed away. Dan aku masih ingat Bibik ada cakap kepadaku yang arwah memang suka pakai selimut yang aku bagi tu. Mana-mana dia pergi, mesti dia suruh bawa selimut tu. Mungkin dia masih ingat pada waktu itu yang selimut tu diberikan oleh cucunya iaitu aku. It showed that she really appreciated the gift. I'll remember that.

Walaupun tak dapat jumpa untuk kali terakhir sebelum arwah menghembuskan nafas terakhir, tetapi aku sentiasa percaya bahawa suatu hari nanti aku akan bejumpa semula dengannya. InsyaAllah, kita akan berjumpa semula di syurga. Saat itu akan tiba jua. Kau sentiasa diingati dalam doaku. Terima kasih, atok..... Moga rohmu dicucuri rahmat dan kau digolongkan di kalangan ahli syurga. Pergilah kau menemani suamimu yang telah meninggalkanmu setelah sekian lama.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Perantau @ Sinar

Jeez... I was awaken by a ring this dawn around 4.40 am. huhuhu.... it was Jamal Jamaludin, DJ. At first, he impersonated himself as a businessman from Canterbury who wanted to sell a herd of sheep to me. But it was really ridiculous since he spoke Malay to me. I, since the first moment, didn' t believe it, but I never thought that it was a call from What was on my mind at that time was that this might be a call from a company in Malaysia which I applied for an internship program. After a few minutes then, I just realized that the voice sounded like Jamal Jamaludin and I recalled that I had ever been registered in Perantau @ Sinar column on the radio station's website.

When I said, ' Ini.... aaaa...' I suddenly forgot his name. Hahaha... Then, he continued for me. What so embarrassing! He asked me what time was it in my place... And I just told him that it was midnight. He was astonished by that... 'Haa? Tengah malam? Kat Malaysia ni tengah malam. Takkan kat sana tengah malam jugak...' I explained to him that I wasn't sure the local time at that time coz I was asleep and looked outside my room's window, it was still dark like in the midnight. But it was actually already 4 sth in the dawn. But I added that the local time in NZ is 4 hours faster than in Malaysia.

After that, he gave me a chance to say sth for anyone in Malaysia. I sounded sth like this, 'Assalamualaikum w.b.t (sounded like I was babbling to myself) saya ucapkan kepada ibu bapa (mak, abah) di Merlimau, Melaka; nenek, atuk; adik-beradik; dan rakan-rakan di seluruh Malaysia. Saya rindukan anda semua.' Jamal said, 'Mesti Anis juga nak ucapkan kepada pak cik- pak cik yang jual kuih muih kat warung-warung tu.' 'Aha, saya memang rindukan kuih-muih mereka.' 'Memang saya sengaja sebut pasal kuih-muih tu sebab saya tahu anda mesti rindu...'

Jamal said some more, 'Sayangnya, Anis tak dengar radio kami di online sekarang. Kalau tak, boleh dengar suara.' I replied, 'Oh, yeah. Tak pe la... Ada rakaman kan kat website tu.' 'Ya, ada. Okay Anis, saya tak mahu kacau anda tidur. Maaf ye kacau tengah tidur.' 'Oh tak pe. Thank you.' 'You're welcome.' 'Assalamualaikum.'

What a nice experience! Before the moment, I had imagined what would I say if DJ called me for Perantau @ Sinar. I tried to practice how to speak in the radio. And yeah, it came true. Hehehe... I learned sth from my past experiences and the call from was one of 'em.

p/s: I cooked chicken soup for lunch and dinner today! Yummy, yummy!
"Chicken Soup of the Soul"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pure Luck

Phew, I bought two nice blouses for peanuts! It was really surprising... It all happened at the Warehouse, Blenheim Rd. I was goin' there to buy a heater for my room actually coz it's getting colder at home day by day. Suddenly, I saw many sweet blouses and dresses in the store. So, I grabbed several for my sisters. The prices were somewhat low.

When it was time to make payments at the counter, I saw an ad on the overhead screen stated there that it's gonna be charged plastic bags starting from April 20. Thank God, coz it was yesterday, the 19th. If not, my 10 cent would have just been wasted like that for the plastic bag. The nice cashier girl was also flabbergasted when she scanned the bar codes of the blouses I bought. 'Oh, wow! It's only 2 dollars for this one and 9 dollars for another one.' OMG! I got here at the right time. I never got such low prices. Another good news followed... Since my purchase on that day was above 40 dollars, I got a coupon of 20% discount for any next purchase of fine jewellery. What a pure luck!

Well, I shouldn't be blinded by all of those temptations. I need to save my money, no matter what...

Usrah Circle

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Alhamdulillah, me and my usrah circle had just been achieving our dream to make an usrah outside Christchurch City. With a huge support from our naqibah, Sister Aziemah, we were all driven to Cheviot District by Kak Sakina... Again, I was being in charge of cooking department. Hihihi... Serve you right, Anis! :P

Our first stop was at Gore Bay Cathedral Cliffs. Jeez, the cliffs are so unique and we thought it was attributed to soil corrosion, but it's natural. Kak Mun took her role as a photographer (but unpaid) and a few minutes later, Azie offered herself to help Kak Mun taking pix. As a matter of fact, Azie is very interested in photography, so she tried using Kak Mun's dslr... Well, thumbs up to an amateur! Azie's a quick learner, tho...

Then, we continued our photo session at Gore Bay as well as in a private property (upon Kak Sakina's persuasion towards the owner). Huhuhu... Posing, posing... Fiqs had become our model. She knew all too well the right angles to get nice shots! Hehehe... We also had our brunch on the rocky shore and treated with Kak Mun's choc brownies! =) Yummy!

Continuing our way to find Manuka Bay, but getting lost in Cheviot District. The i-site was useless since there was only a big map board. So, we decided to follow Robin's Port route. Instead of reaching at Manuka Bay, we got to Hurunui River Mouth. It was deep into a remote area where there were sheep farms and bleak cottages only... Huhuhu... Driven by a high spirit of braveness, we stopped inside a camp site. There was no one but we.

Starting with praying on a rocky shore (we took our wudu' at the crystal clear river mouth). After that, we ate our lunch, the fried rice prepared by me and Fiqs. It was more delicious to eat with ikan bilis goreng and keropok udang. Seeing everyone was getting cold esp Kak Sakina and Kak Mun, I offered my homemade hot green tea. They all liked my purple 'Thermos'. Hihihi... Whilst eating, we listened to an usrah delivered by Azie. We reflected what we saw around us to our topic. There we go, when Kak Mun touched on a verse from Surah Ar-Rahman about Allah's blessings.

When the usrah finished, we unintentionally started our modus operandi. Kahkahkah... Kak Mun suddenly noticed an apple tree right beside a loo when she got out from it. Without waiting any longer, we quickly picked the red, small apples and tossed 'em into our huge bag. We thought next time, we dont have to pay to do apple picking in Chch. Do it in Hurunui. It's for free... hehehe... The apples were so crunchy. We could get approximately 5-kg harvest of the apples. Quite a lot... It was so funny to see the tree was getting bald without apples..... Luckily, there was no one around. That's why we dubbed the place as our new private place.

We washed out the apples at the river mouth. Later on, we took pix and wandered along the river bank. The foggy sky never showed that it was goin' to be sunny. We hurried up shooting here and there, then walked back to our car and reversed the wheel to go back home. The road we took to get out from Cheviot District was just like during the time we arrived.

(The trip was made on last Saturday.)

West Coast

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Huhhhh.... It was really exhausting traveling to West Coast. Being the so-called head of kitchen, I was busy preparing the foods and making sure everything was done by the eating time. For the first time in my life, I cooked ayam masak merah for my friends. It was a little bit hotter than usual coz I used dried chillies from China (Msia one's mild). But still tasty... Hmmm...

Well, there were many first-time stuff I tried out along the trip such as quad bike riding, jetboating, playing swing tyre, and playing snow by a cold-water stream. The experiences are so mesmerizing, turning it out to be more incredible with the appearances of a rainbow on a foggy day and snow in autumn. Subhanallah... The Almighty God.

We, the wondergals (as dubbed by Kak Che Ah), were too frantic and excited taking photos from many angles of lens. Hahaha.... Everybody wanted to show off their brand new, pretty tops and shoes. They didnt bother about the weather, as long as they could take pix in their beautiful dresses, that was a relief. Whatever, you girls.... Hihihi...

At almost all shot spots, my new digital camera had been a real victim of my friends' eagerness. Guess what... I needed to be my friends' photographer. Not all the time, should I clarify here. But used to be... huhuhu..... Well, I dont have time to edit pix as most of my friends do coz I am too lazy to be so creative sharpening the brightness of the pix or cropping here and there or adding a few letters in the pix... I love my new cam in that its screen is wide enough for me to see the image that I'm gonna snap clearly and the camera comes with a touch-screen pen. That's that.

All in all, this trip really pushed me to see a wider world and to know Allah and His creations closer. The pictures in the camera will never be the same as witnessing with our bare eyes. Should I point out here that an overnight in Hanmer Spring really made me felt like in Switzerland. This was due to the magnificent view of the snow-capped mountains known as South Alps (coz it's in the southern hemisphere). I wish to see the view of the North Alps in Swiss in November this year! :) If only it happens that I'm goin' to Zurich coz I'm afraid if the eurail might be heading to Bern or Geneva instead of Zurich. I can hardly wait for it!!! (This is all Kak Izan's fault! You make me want to go to Swiss!)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

To The End of The World

Nuclear weapons is always a popular issue on everyone's lips. When we talk about nuclear, the names that will be crossing our minds are Israel and North Korea, even tho' India and Pakistan are also deemed by many analysts to be involved in nuclear weapons development. Little number of people realize that the United States also involves in the nuclear weapon sector, with a black voile covers their face. Or probably, there's still no one who completely dares to voice out the dissatisfactions on what's goin' on in this world these days... The States always be able to escape from any lawsuit regarding nuclear, but at the same time being the backbone of Israel and the loud prosecutor against the North Korea nuclear issue. US is afraid of North Korea on the intense spirit of the north Koreans to develop their nuclear plants. However, US uses the reason of defending the world from disasters attributed to the nuclear growths, for they know that the rest of the world is not the target, but they are. How ironic people are... They often consider themselves as a Justice of the Peace, but there's never been justice in their 'court'. Who are they to throw accusations on innocent people? Who are they to sentence people? Who are they to throw people into the small, dark, bleak cells? No one can answer these questions except the States itself who confessed themselves to be the most powerful species in this WORLD! They forgot that one day will come the time where all of what-they-have-been-put-a-lot-of-effort things will be slapped back in their face. Indeed, it's only Allah knows better. The murdered, tortured people and all of the voiceless body parts will be the only witnesses during the Judgement Day (the most fearful day for everyone). You're welcome to do anything you want on this Earth, the disbelievers of Allah! But it is assured that you can never escape when the truths are broken. World is the arena for you to be the victors in as many games as you wish for, but the next world awaits for you to turn you out to be the best losers in the Hereafter.

Old School Specs

Why all of a sudden, I miss SS darned much???
Hearing a very good news about SS from my lil sis in last few days made me sooooo proud to be one of the sulaimanians....! :) from a premier school to a cluster school. and many straight A's national level students n Msia athletes are the products of the school. that's a great achievement! there's no doubt that the sulaimanians can be found anywhere all over the globe even in Oxford, Cambridge and many other prestigious alma meters, tho' most sulaimanians are being successful people nowadays . And now I'm so desperate to attend The Sulaimanians Alumni Reunion =) Hopefully could be there with old gorgeous buds and super duper sporting teachers! I love 'em so badly that I couldnt forget 'em even if it's been 5 years back. Most important is, seeing again my old choir and gamelan teams. It was so magical how could I be one of those music students whereas I was never keen on music since I was young. But yeah, learning to play musical instruments n being a soprano singer was the best moment ever in my life. And I even got a Grade 5 piano pussycat girl to be my good friend. It all began when I opted to follow the music stream in Form 1. It was simply based on the thought to experience sth new. There you go! Step by step, and it's almost to reach of the star.
After all, the Sulaimanians are always one big family and we always love our school (this's a reality)! Usaha, Tekun, Tentu Jaya... Tradisi kekal abadi!

Have a whale of a time!

Phew, term break has just begun! Holiday plan is ready to be worked out. Am gonna go to West Coast with flatmates and a few buds. Pretty excited to start the journey :) Independent women are goin' to make their self-trip! Amacam? Gorge, huh? As usual, I'm always being the head of kitchen dept. Dunno how come my friends could have given that job to me... I'm always a terrible cook, but a terrific gourmet. Perhaps, that makes the job as the head of kitchen dept seems more reasonable to be given to me. huhuhu... Definitely, I should benefit sth. from the role. You said you wanna be a fab housemaker... There you go! Looking for a mesmerizing trip to West Coast! Wait for me, West Coast! I almost reach you.